Category Archives: School Magazine Preliminary Task

Latest Version of school magazine contents page

This is the latest version of my school magazine contents page. I am going to add more images and add text to the top right of the page.

Latest version of school magazine cover

I have changed the colour of the word ‘free’ from white to black as you could not see if before. I have outlined ‘house music results are in!’ in black  and ‘scott miss out on house music titleby 1 point’ in white, to make it stand out more to the reader so it is easier and clearer to see.

Kerrang! magazine contents page analysis

I don’t think this contents page layout is suitable for a school magazine as it is to stylish and includes to much text and too many images.

My school magazine contents page will be more informative. It will be stylish but that will not be the main purpose of the layout and the information included.

Latest Version of School Magazine cover

I have zoomed in to the picture so less of Georgie’s body is shown and it is more closer to her face. This ables us to see that she is looking into the camera which makes the reader feel more involved to the magazine.